Saturday, April 16, 2016

Almost Time to Depart!

Over the last couple of weeks we've been hard at work finalizing our teams, doing some group bonding, and taking time to learn more about immigrants and refugees.  Our advisors have been meeting and getting ready for a long haul down to DC.  Student trip leaders have met with Andrew and are prepared to fearlessly lead their teams in a work of compassionate work.  T-shirts have been ordered, prayer shawls knit and paperwork signed.

Finally, tonight was the Send-off Dinner!  Some 60 people including parents, supporters and Youth Board members gathered at church, with students hauling overstuffed luggage behind them.  Bags were loaded into vans before students made their way inside and donned their purple Mission Trip T-shirts.  At dinner, teams assembled for some team pictures and we heard more about some of the places that we'll work and the issues we'll address.

We're excited to work at Claggett Farm, a non-profit organic farm operated by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, whose produce is used to feed the hungry at soup kitchens and pantries around the Capital area.  We'll examine the situation of migrant workers as a part of our reflection that night. We're also looking forward to working with CASA, an immigrant rights organization which provides English language classes, job training, healthcare and more.  Friday of our Mission Trip is a very big day for the immigrant community, as the Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments on President Obama's Executive Order on Deferred Action for Parents of Americans - changing the way the US Government prioritizes and pursues deportations of undocumented immigrants.  We'll also work with Lutheran Social Services in their Refugee Resettlement program, helping set up accommodations for arriving refugees, and meet with attorneys from Human Rights First.  All in all, it sounds like an exciting week.

We hope you'll follow along with our daily updates and we'll see you at our church send-off in the morning!
Students take part in a Scarecrow Relay at Senior High Fellowship - preparing for farm work!

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