Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 6: Saying Goodbye

It's the last day we spend in DC before heading back to CT.  We spent the day with CASA, an organization that provides services for immigrants.  We toured one of their welcome centers and met with immigrants to hear their stories of travel from Africa, Latin America and Asia to the US in search of safety, opportunity and the American Dream.  Late in the morning we gathered with a group of approximately 100 people and gathered outside of the Supreme Court as they weigh a decision on Obama's Executive Order regarding deportations (DACA+ and DAPA).  Together we celebrated our country's immigrant history and heard firsthand about the reasons why they came and their experiences as immigrants to the United States.

We closed with reflections affirmations, ice cream and a couple tears as the bag packing started. Tomorrow morning we get back in the vans and begin the journey home.  Well wishes to all!

In the evening we talked about what we had learned and how we had grown together as a community.

Learning about immigration reform and the pending DACA and DAPA court cases at a Teach-in with CASA

United We Dream was there too!  Student Power!

Classroom assistants - on vacation week!

It was a multi-lingual kind of day.

Andrew captures his moment with the microphone

Felix is an immigrant from Cameroon who now works for CASA

We love willing volunteers like Sara!

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